Downtown Spirits charges taxes in accordance with published Washington state sales tax, spirits sales tax, and spirits liter tax rates, as applicable for retail sales and for Class H on-premise sales for bars and restaurants. To setup your bar or restaurant to receive Class H on-premise tax rates, please email us at with valid licensing information from the Washington Liquor and Cannabis Control Board.
Retail Tax Rates:
- Sales Tax 10.25% (wine, beer, non-alcoholic)
- Spirits Sales Tax 20.5%
- Spirits Liter Tax $3.7708 / Liter volume
******Class H has been temporarily paused while we reimagine our wholesale business*******
Class H (Bar & Restaurant Licensee) Tax Rates:
- Sales Tax 0% (Wine and Non-Alcoholic only)
- Sales Tax 10.25% (Beer - not for resale)
- Spirits Sales Tax 13.7%
- Spirits Liter Tax $2.4408 / Liter volume
Washington State Department of Revenue - Spirits Sales Tax Overview
Washington State Department of Revenue - Spirits Liter Tax Overview